Periodontal Therapy
Peak Dental offers periodontal therapy in Irmo, SC. If you or a family member have dental health issues that may be resolved with a form of dental treatment called periodontal therapy, please contact our office for more details about this effective and non-invasive series of treatments.
What is Periodontal Therapy?
Periodontal therapy consists of a collection of treatments that is designed to treat gum disease without surgery. Gum disease is a serious condition that is called periodontitis. It’s an infection that causes damage to the soft gum tissue that surrounds the teeth. Periodontitis is preventable, yet it is fairly common in the general population. When the soft tissue of the mouth become infected, this can lead to bone loss, and loss of permanent teeth. Periodontal therapy is a way to halt the progression of this damaging condition so that the gums have a chance to heal. This, in turn, helps to prevent tooth loss.
Periodontal Therapy Treatments
The first step in periodontal therapy involves cleaning the teeth of plaque buildup. Plaque and tartar harbor teeth and gum bacteria, which is a leading contributor to periodontitis. Next, more specialized treatments are implemented in periodontal therapy.
Below the gum line, the surfaces of the teeth are susceptible to plaque and tartar buildup. As the gums recede, this accumulation builds, and tooth pockets develop, which enable germs and plaque to enter.
Scaling, commonly referred to as “deep cleaning,” removes these undetected buildups. To get rid of plaque and tartar, your dentist may use hand instruments or ultrasonic cleaners. Hardened dental calculus can be broken down more quickly thanks to ultrasonic cleaning equipment.
Root Planing
The next phase in periodontal therapy is root planing. Root planing is done to smooth out rough spots on the roots of the tooth. This treatment smooths out the surface and eliminates crevices where bacteria can lurk beneath the gum line. This process is yet another stage in getting rid of bacteria that have found their way into the gums.
Between scaling and root planing, the gums and teeth are in a better and healthier condition, so that they can begin recovering from the onslaught of bacteria.
Another part of periodontal therapy is the application of antibacterial medication. This is often in the form of antibiotic gels that are applied directly to the gums in order to reduce the bacteria. The gel is usually applied after scaling and root planing. The dentist in Irmo, SC may also give you a prescription for a medicated mouth rinse that you can use at home to further support the elimination of bacteria in the mouth.
Are You a Candidate for Periodontal Therapy?
If you have mild to moderate periodontitis, then periodontal therapy is likely a great option for you. In addition, periodontal therapy is used for people who have gingivitis, which is the earliest stage of periodontitis. While less serious, gingivitis still needs to be treated. If left untreated, gingivitis can develop into periodontitis, which ultimately results in tooth loss.
Benefits of Periodontal Therapy
Periodontal therapy in Irmo, SC can be done in your dentist’s office over a series of appointments. The treatment does not require surgery and is typically done with numbing agents and/or mild sedation. Patients do not need to take any time off work after periodontal therapy treatments. Periodontal therapy in Irmo, SC is the best way to recover from periodontitis and to get back your dental health. Contact Peak Dental to book your appointment.